Catproof Gardens

Installing your Oscillot system

Looking for a manual or instruction video? Scroll through this page!

Download the installation guide here

download manual

Calculating the material

Depending on the mounting method, different quantities are needed. View the calculation examples here.

Mounting on or against the fence posts.

Aluminum paddle
When mounting the system against or on the posts, you will need 1 paddle set per fence panel and you will have some sawing loss with the total number of meters.
At each end of a side, 1 additionali post kit is needed to close the row.

If there are shorter fence parts and, for example, a gate, these can sometimes be sawn from 1 paddle.
Please note that if you re-use a leftover paddle, you will also need to order 1 additional post kit or this.

Plastic paddle
When using the plastic paddle, it is not possible to mount the system on the fence posts due to its length of 1.20 metres.

Full length paddle mounting

When the Oscillot System is not on the posts but against the fence parts or cover strips
When mounted, the full length of the paddle can be used.
It is then possible to fill in the online calculation tool from Oscillot Australia to calculate the correct requirements.
You can fill in the lengths per side of the garden. When there is a jump in height or depth of the fence, this is a loose section.
This can be the case with a fence door, as in the photo next to it. Then you will have to fill in the length of the fence door and the length of the part to the left and right of it as a separate dimension.

How does the Oscillot system work?